THE FIRST YEARS Airflow Positioner with Wedge

  • RM165.00

Research has shown the huge importance of ensuring babies are correctly positioned when put down to sleep. In fact, the danger of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS), or cot death, has been shown to increase by nine times if a baby is put down to sleep on its front. A further risk of SIDS has been indentified where the baby can be allowed to get too hot. With this in mind, The First Years, in consultation with leading paediatricians, has produced the new Airflow Sleep Positioner range. This range of product ensures that baby sleeps in the correct position and the Airflow design ensures adequate ventilation to avoid overheating.

The First Years Airflow Wedge with Sleep Positioner is designed for proper sleep position and greater air circulation for your baby. It helps keep sleeping infants on their backs as recommended, to help reduce the risk of SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome). The Airflow Wedge elevates your baby's head to help ease breathing, enhance digestion, and reduce reflux discomfort. This positioner has tall sides to keep your baby securely in position and adjusts easily as your child grows. The Airflow Sleep Positioner features a comfortable airflow cover and a sturdy inner structure that allows air to circulate freely and help reduce overheating. Positioner and wedge are machine-washable.  Ages Birth +

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